President  Jason Toft

Jason Toft is a BJCP Certified Judge, Head Brewer for Gulfport Brewery & Eatery in Gulfport, former Assistant Brewer at Crooked Thumb Brewery in Safety Harbor, and has been involved with Best Florida Beer since 2012, starting as a steward for the Professional Competition and working his way up to judge, judge director for the 2017 competition, and began serving on the board in July 2017 as the VP of Commercial Brewing. 

As the first professional brewer to serve on the board, Jason brings a perspective to Best Florida Beer not seen before.  Working closely with the board, he intends to make BFB the premier organization for craft beer at all levels in the State of Florida. His door is always open to suggestions.

Vice President of Homebrew Karen Hahn

Vice President of Commercial Chris Johnson

Gemma enjoys her days as a comic book grader at Certified Guaranty Company where she found a passion for craft beer through travels to comic conventions across the country. She began homebrewing in 2009 as a way to increase the diversity of her craft beer options joining the Homebrewers’ Association of Manatee and Sarasota (HAMS). The following year Gemma successfully passed the BJCP exam achieving the rank of Recognized Homebrew Judge. In 2011 Gemma served as President of HAMS and she has also served on the BFB board previously as Secretary, Marketing Director and a past President.

Secretary Gemma Adel

Treasurer Linda Szedula

Director of Marketing Matt Acree